My Country

The name of our country is Bangladesh. It is a small country in south-east Asia. It’s area is 1,47,570 square km. It became independent on the 16th December in 1971. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. The state language of the country is Bangla. Bangladesh is an over-populated country. Most of them are Muslims. The others are Hindus, Buddhists and Christians. The national dress for men is Pajama and Panjabi and for women it’s sari. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. The main crops of Bangladesh are Rice, Jute, Tea etc. About 80% of the people live in the village. Their chief occupation is farming and they live by farming. There are six seasons in our country. Her climate is conducive to health as it is moderate. It is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. Bangladesh is a riverine country. So, the land of Bangladesh is very fertile. Various kinds of crops and fruits are grown here. As she is enriched with natural beauty, visitors and tourists often come to visit the attractive places of Bangladesh. It is such a beautiful country that anyone will love the country. I love my homeland with all my heart. I really feel proud of my homeland Bangladesh.

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